Friday, November 7, 2014


Hey guys, Storm here. This is urgent, so I am posting it here. As you may know (but probably don't) a couple days ago I posted on Twitter saying I was possibly going to quit Poptropica. Well, Poptropica replied, and I had to make a big decision. It touched my heart a lot that they cared so much about individual players. Unlike Club Penguin. Hmmphh. It was also the words they used. I replied telling everyone the decision I had to make. Poptropica replied with "Life is endless change. Be good to yourself. Don't worry about us. Stay or go, it's been great having you around. Thanks!" I loved this so much that I have decided to stay on Poptropica for a few reasons.
1: Deep down I know that I love Poptropica
2: My Poptropica website, while is not posted on much, is very much loved by me. It's my first website and I love it very much. Much more than any amount of words I will ever type on this website.
3: Poptropica is the very first game that I played and stuck with. Most games that I played are gone never to be played again (Webkinz, Roblox, CPPSme, etc) and that is why I love it.
4: The tweets sent to me

Thank you all for reading! Until next time, this is Storm signing off.

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