A Penguin's Guide to Card-Jitsu

 You walk up the mountain to the Dojo. It is very steep, but very sturdy. There is no way you can fall down to the bottom. At the top, you finally reach the dojo. When you walk inside, there are 4 Blue mats with a white line running through them. In the front right corner, there is a grey penguin sitting on a green pillow with a familiar red arch over his head. You suddenly realize it's a replica of the red arch over the rock outside. You talk to him. He asks what you need him to do for you. You ask for instructions.

The point of this game is to have fun, and earn belts. Here is the easiest way to do that.

1. When you talk to Sensei in the dojo, he will give you 10 cards. You will use these cards to play.

2. Head over to a mat, or ask sensei to put you in another room waiting for another player. It is more sufficient to ask Sensei to put you with another player. He knows the difficulties of all penguins who have visited the dojo, and will pair you up with a penguin with almost the same amount of skill as you.

3. When you start the game, You see 2 penguins. If it is your first match, you will be one of the penguins without a belt if one penguin has a belt on. The way to earn belts is simple.

4. Card-Jitsu cards have numbers, elements, and colors. The most efficient way to win is to have 1 of each element, fire, water, and snow, that you won the hand with, each a different color.

5. Another simple way to do it is have 3 of 1 element that you won the hand with, all different colors.

6. If you win 1 match, you get a white belt. But you have to win more than 10 games to become a black belt. To get a yellow belt, you must win 2 matches. To get an orange belt you must win 3 matches since your last belt was given to you, and so on.

7. Do not be sad if your opponent wins the hand. Just try again. Eventually, you will get to the Black Belt position.

8. Once you are a black belt, you have gotten as high as you can be. Well, almost. The last position is ninja. Here is how to get to that position. Talk to Sensei like you did when you asked for instructions. This time, click 'Challenge Sensei'. This is real easy if you beat him at the first hand. If you lose to him at the first hand, he will defeat you the whole match long. Do not be sad. You can try again later. Or right now if you want. This was easy to me. The Ultimate Card Jitsu Handbook, a Club Penguin book I have at my house says that Nobody has defeated Sensei on the 1st try.

9. Once you defeat Sensei, he will give you your ninja mask. Now, if you go outside, look to the right of the dojo doors. There is a little door that looks like a stone with Japanese writing on it. If you scroll over it, it will go down and reveal a little door. If you go in, There are 4 Card-Jitsu mats to play on with other Ninja, because even Sensei doesn't always win and he still needs help with the game. Keep training, and maybe someday, Spike Hike will change your penguin name to Sensei. Goodbye!

    If you followed this manual step-by-step and defeated Sensei, be glad to know that Icystorm 9 is very proud of you.

                                                           -Icystorm 9

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