Friday, September 2, 2016

People That Should Work at CP

Hey yall.

So Dadted posted a list of 5 people that he thinks should work at Club Penguin and while that list is okay, I think there are many other people that would also be qualified, so I'm making my own list.

1: Trainman1405

He could be a moderator. The game needs a few more of those, anyway.

2: Squeky10

Animator of rooms and such. Things like the fire in The Dining Hall from the Medieval Party 2013 or the puffles in the Lighthouse from the Puffle Party 2012 seem like things he would be good at.

3: Hat Pop & Sharkbate

Animators of shorts and such. Actually I'm not sure which one animates an which one does all the other things, but still. Videos such as the following seem to be right up their alley.

4: Carphon

Historian. Documents events on CP and occasionally posts them on the What's New Blog.

5: Spark Flurry

Writing for videos- I don't know how well he would work with the HP & Shark writer, but he's a good video writer and should be hired to do that.

6: Sandor

He worked on Flippr and kinda built most of it. He's good at designing rooms.

7: Ninjakrom

Good graphic designer. He could work on the catalogs and newspapers and stuff.

8: Huntara


9: Icystorm 9

Just kidding.

Okay, I'm done. Goodbye!

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