Okay guys! This will be my first rant on the website, but here I go!
#1: The moronic twerps runnin around the community thinking everything that is set for a reason a bug.
Example 1: One time I saw a video where someone typed "Hi" in the name slot when creating a penguin. A popup came up saying "This name has a bad word in it" and they are like "GLITCH THERES NO BAD WORD". I cannot find this video right now, but I know its out there on Youtube. But they are so stupid that they cannot figure out that it is too short.
Example 2: I have no proof of this, but I am pretty sure there is a loser running around thinking that when you finish the Safety Quiz and up comes the old membership badge that thats not supposed to happen and is an unfixed bug.
#2: The noobs who ask you dumb questions and expect you to tell them everything that ever happened in the history of the world.
Example 1: I found a video on Youtube somewhere, and since I looked up 1 video for 10 minutes and couldn't find it, I will just ignore looking for this one. ANYWAY, in the video, the noob is asking the guy where he got his glasses. The guy says the Penguin Style so the noob just ignores and asks again. Then the guy asks again. It goes on for about 5 minutes. NOOBEE!
Example 2: If you go into the pet shop on "Avalanche" there are some stupid pookies. Pookies are noobs that pretend to be babys because "APPAR3NTLEE" they have nothing better to do with their time. Get outside. Play baseball. DO SOMETHING OTHER THAN BE A POOKIE!
#3: I am not complaining and saying this is a glitch, but this is an illustrative error.
Example: At the Ice Rink, the path to the Club Penguin University is blocked off by a snowdrift. The school is still accessable from the Ice Rink though.
Those are my rants even though #3 isn't really a rant! Until next time, this is Storm signing off.
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