Well, I know they'll be showing off Fallout 6 (Fallout 76 is a dumb name), but what are they going to show off? I'm thinking they'll show off a short trailer, but not gameplay footage. If my guesstimate is correct that this game is coming out in spring, then we'll get some gameplay footage further down the line. But hopefully we can get gameplay footage sooner, like, sometime during E3 would be great. It could really boost Sony or Nintendo's conference; preferably Sony's because their conference last year was much less interesting than Nintendo's.
But Fallout 6 can't be the only game they're showing off. That would be lame! So they've got to announce something else.I'm gonna guess right now that Fallout 76 is coming to Switch, but a few months after it comes to PS4.— Josh (@Icystorm9) June 1, 2018
Elder Scrolls 3! Bethesda seems to love rereleasing Elder Scrolls 5. There are 7 releases of it as far as I know, maybe 8. But Elder Scrolls 3 is only on 2 platforms- Xbox and PC. The Xbox version doesn't even run that well without an Xbox One X. So here's an idea for Bethesda - rerelease Elder Scrolls 3 on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and Vita.
"Vita? Why the Vita, Josh?" Hear me out.
Bethesda likes to port stuff. It could port Elder Scrolls 3 to the Vita to make a bit more money. Even if it's a straight port of the original with no enhancements other than framerate and draw distance, they should be good. The Vita users would definitely pick it up, since the Vita's AAA release schedule in the coming months is pretty much nonexistent. Besides, the Vita is portable. You don't know how many people would buy either a Switch or a Vita just to play Elder Scrolls 3 portably. And since the Vita is the cheaper of the two, there will likely be a decent amount of Vita sales. Bethesda gets the sales from Vita fans, and Sony gets the sales from Elder Scrolls fans. Good?
I didn't bother fixing half the Bethesda logo here. Sorry. |
But I don't expect them to do that at all. Here's what I think they'll actually do.
They WILL talk about Fallout 6. I think they'll announce platforms, just like in that tweet above, and they won't show gameplay, but they'll have a really short trailer. Less than a minute, no doubt. They'll probably have an eSports thing, just like they did last year with Quake III or whatever game it was that they played. They'll announce that, like, Dishonored 2 or something is coming to PSVR. They'll probably announce Skyrim for TurboGrafx16 or Saturn or both. Then it will probably be over and that will be it.
What conference comes up after theirs? Hopefully it's Ubisoft. I'll look at the list later. Whatever it is, I'll be posting about their conference later so be sure to read that one as well.
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